Monday, March 12, 2007

Yes Deer

While I was in the office this morning, a group of about 12 deer wandered into the field next to our building. It was so amazing to watch them! By the time I got my camera out, they had already started running (right across Main Street - they all made it safely!) but I caught a few of them before they went out of view. Please forgive the blinds and screen in the window when I took this picture.

Dana and I spent a large part of the day yesterday with my parents. We hadn't seen them in a while so it was nice to relax at their home and chat. Mom is doing OK and dad is taking swimming lessons at the 'Y' a few mornings a week. I showed him a few funny video clips from YouTube and expect he will spend some time surfing and looking for other ones to tell me about. My, how technology has changed the things my dad and I talk about.

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