Friday, September 22, 2006

No, the MLS won't support Firefox...

I recently sent an email request to the DABR MLS to ask them when they will support Firefox. I was politely told that they will ONLY support Internet Explorer 6.0 and higher and have no plans to support anything else. That really got me steaming.

I'm going to be forever locked into using IE to access the DABR MLS. Before I continue, let me tell you that I am not a Microsoft or Bill Gates basher. I use Microsoft Publisher and Access on a daily basis and enjoy using them. But I also use a lot of other programs that are not written in Redmond. I use OpenOffice instead of Microsoft Office, I use Firefox instead of IE (with the exception of accessing the MLS) and I use Adobe Acrobat and Photoshop almost daily.

An agent in our office was having fits this week because he had a virus on his machine that he could not get rid of. After countless hours we finally got it cleaned up, but it was an ordeal. One he (and I) probably wouldn't had to have gone through if he was using Firefox. I'm thinking he may be a convert now.

Back to the MLS. Realtors in general are fairly technologically challenged when it comes to computers. Oh, I have met a few that have really impressed me with what they are doing, and when I see a Realtor using a Mac, I know they 'get it' when it comes to thinking outside the box. But even the Mac users have to rely on IE if they want to access the MLS. It's a shame. Most use a Windows PC and just take for granted that all the security issues are a part of doing business. Wake up people, there are alternatives! You just have to look for them!

If you are a Realtor using Firefox or Safari as your web browser and would like to see a change, I suggest emailing the board on a regular basis until the decide to accept the fact that something else does exist, and it's better than what they currently have.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Some Random Ramblings...

I'm fighting the start of a cold and not feeling that great. Kyle and Dana both had it, so I guess it's my turn.

Dana headed out to Phoenix early this morning to visit her brother and take him out to dinner for his birthday. It's sort of become a tradition for her and something she really looks forward to doing. Her great-aunt Faye usually goes with her, but Faye had back surgery recently and didn't feel like making a long flight like that.

I'm listening to a Stevie Ray Vaughn CD while I write this. Such a talented artist taken from us way to early in his life. I've been listening to one of the classical radio stations in the car lately, I think it's 88.1. I really enjoy it, it does take my mind off the days activities if only for a moment. With all the rain we've had the past few days it really improves your spirits to listen to something different like that. If you live in the Dayton area, I challenge you to listen to 88.1 FM for a week during your normal commute time and see if it doesn't improve your mood.

Another thing I enjoy is going to the home page of Bill Atkinson and look at the nature photos he has posted. Many of you might recognize his name from his work at Apple Computers. Well, he's also a professional photographer and has a very user friendly web site to share his work with folks out there in cyber space. I go there a few times a week when I need a short break and can't get away from my desk.

I'm getting ready to start a conversational Spanish class towards the end of the month. It's hosted by my firm and is open to any licensed Realtor. It should be fun. I'm looking forward to it. I never took Spanish in school and as a ham radio operator, I've always had a fascination with languages. Dana speaks some Spanish, she can still say The Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish. I'll have to keep you posted and see how it goes.

Have a great day!


Thursday, September 07, 2006

I am a Happy Camper!

For those of you who know me at all, you know I love Apple Computers. I'm not a Mac bigot, I just think they make wonderful products that are ahead of their time. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Well, if you know anything about the history of the Macintosh, you have heard of Guy Kawasaki. I wrote him an email the other day and he responded to me. Guy was an Apple Fellow and the best evangelist they have ever had. I was re-reading his book 'The Art of the Start' and noticed he mentioned something about boxers (the dog kind) and sent him a brief message asking about his boxer and telling him about our boxer, Holly. I also asked if he had any plans to write any books on how technology can influence the real estate industry. Here's what he wrote:

Thanks for your email. Unfortunately, our boxer died one night. It was very sad. I hope you enjoy yours. No books planned right now, and I don't know much about the application of technology to real estate. I don't think there's a magic bullet. You just have to pound on people, work with those who "get it," and hope that it spreads.
My best wishes to you!

OK, it may not mean much to those of you who are Realtors reading this who think a fax machine and a cell phone are 'Cutting Edge' technology. But, for those of you reading this who 'get it' as Guy said, you realize that change is imminent. It's going to happen. Why not be a leader in this area instead of a follower? Do you embrace technology or fear it? Will you have to be dragged into the information age kicking and screaming?

One of the things we have been dealing with at Exit Realty Partners is getting agents to understand that we are a technology-centric company. We embrace it. We know how to use it effectively, and we implement it. Many of our competitors are focused on the fact we don't pay for print advertising. Well, that's true, we don't. We would rather focus our time, energy and money on tools and training on a medium that is the future of this industry. Information presented in a timely manner is what is important. When the price of a home changes, can you go back and reprint all your adds and magazines hoping to accurately reflect the price? I don't think so. With electronic media, you can.

So as I try to evangelize to my fellow Realtors out there, get ready for the revolution that is happening. You can be part of it and the future, or fade away into the sunset wondering what has happened.