Thursday, September 14, 2006

Some Random Ramblings...

I'm fighting the start of a cold and not feeling that great. Kyle and Dana both had it, so I guess it's my turn.

Dana headed out to Phoenix early this morning to visit her brother and take him out to dinner for his birthday. It's sort of become a tradition for her and something she really looks forward to doing. Her great-aunt Faye usually goes with her, but Faye had back surgery recently and didn't feel like making a long flight like that.

I'm listening to a Stevie Ray Vaughn CD while I write this. Such a talented artist taken from us way to early in his life. I've been listening to one of the classical radio stations in the car lately, I think it's 88.1. I really enjoy it, it does take my mind off the days activities if only for a moment. With all the rain we've had the past few days it really improves your spirits to listen to something different like that. If you live in the Dayton area, I challenge you to listen to 88.1 FM for a week during your normal commute time and see if it doesn't improve your mood.

Another thing I enjoy is going to the home page of Bill Atkinson and look at the nature photos he has posted. Many of you might recognize his name from his work at Apple Computers. Well, he's also a professional photographer and has a very user friendly web site to share his work with folks out there in cyber space. I go there a few times a week when I need a short break and can't get away from my desk.

I'm getting ready to start a conversational Spanish class towards the end of the month. It's hosted by my firm and is open to any licensed Realtor. It should be fun. I'm looking forward to it. I never took Spanish in school and as a ham radio operator, I've always had a fascination with languages. Dana speaks some Spanish, she can still say The Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish. I'll have to keep you posted and see how it goes.

Have a great day!


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