Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Early Present From Kyle

Kyle got me this book for Christmas, "How to Raise a Jewish Dog". He and Dana saw it on one of our weekly trips to Barnes & Noble and knew I would enjoy it.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Kyle does his best Bootsy Collins Impersonation

Another Friday night jam session. Somehow, when we wear sunglasses, we play better. Seriously. Also, who looks better in the hat, me or Kyle? Vote now by leaving a comment! I think Kyle wins, hands down, but I thought I would throw it out there to the folks that actually read this BLOG.

Oh, notice Holly winking at the camera? She's wishing she had some drums to join in with us.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Updating Whole Wheat Radio WIKI

OK Jim, you wanted more people to update the WIKI, I'm accepting the challenge. I'm taking a little time each day, usually in the early morning before leaving for work, but here's photographic proof of me tagging songs. As I figure out more about the WIKI, I will do more.