Friday, December 05, 2008

Kyle does his best Bootsy Collins Impersonation

Another Friday night jam session. Somehow, when we wear sunglasses, we play better. Seriously. Also, who looks better in the hat, me or Kyle? Vote now by leaving a comment! I think Kyle wins, hands down, but I thought I would throw it out there to the folks that actually read this BLOG.

Oh, notice Holly winking at the camera? She's wishing she had some drums to join in with us.


NT said...

You look better. He still looks like he has a little bit of sense with the hat on. You look absolutely senseless which, considering the hat, makes you the clear winner. :-)

David A. Davison said...

He is better looking, even with the hat, I have to give that to him.

Life Junkie said...

Both of you look better in that hat than the La Choy dinner looked!