Friday, March 30, 2007

I Thought Friday Would Never Get Here

This seems like it has been the longest week this year. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the week-end!

Someone told me that I never post pictures of our cats on here, only our dogs. So, by popular demand, here's some before and after shots of Tiger and Apple. You can click on any of the pictures to enlarge them. I adjusted the light and
color using Adobe Photoshop. Apple is a little bit bigger now than when these pictures were taken, but not a lot.

Dana's father celebrated his 65th birthday this week. We took him to Chilis by the Fairfield Commons Mall for ribs. Mmmmm, they were delicious! Then we went back to his house for a while so he could open his present from us and visit for a while. It was a fun evening.

Well, I got another house under contract this evening, so all is well in my part of the world! Hope you all have a great week-end!

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