Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rebate Hell

We are officially in rebate hell in The Davison Household. Over the past 7 months we have purchased many items that include a rebate, and we have gotten only 1 check back since then. Dana and I have both made several phone calls to the different rebate firms and can only seem to get uncaring individuals that have about as much interest in helping us as they do in donating a kidney. We are out over $700.00 as well as our time. Seems we are not alone in our struggles with rebates. Well enough is enough.

If you want my business in the future, don't try to get me to buy something based on price and then insult my intelligence by saying the low price is after a rebate, which we both know will never come. If you can't mark the item down in your store at the time of purchase, I'm probably going to buy from someone that will, or buy a different product that doesn't offer a rebate. We both know the rebate is never coming so why not buy the higher priced item, it's going to cost the same anyway. It's outright theft, and the retailers know it. Oh, and why not try to sell me an extended service agreement at the same time on an electronics purchase of $70.00 or less for $15.00, really insult my intelligence. Don't forget to try and sell me a magazine subscription as I'm checking out as well. That always cheers me up. Maybe your cashier is in Amway too and can get me into their down line and start making really big money like they are (this actually happened to me once) so I won't have to worry about the money I'm losing on rebate scams.

OK, off the soap box for now. It's time to feed the dogs anyway.

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