Monday, January 30, 2006

Another Monday, the week-ends seem to go by so fast. Spent time with Dana shopping for a new photo printer on Saturday. She got a new HP printer, although I don't remember the model number. Then we went to Barnes & Noble to get coffee and a book for me. We met her father for dinner at Applebees and went home to watch the movie 'The Great Escape' on PBS (one of my favorite movies). I have to confess, I skipped the Big Hill GMAC awards banquet (and I was getting an award!) but from what I have heard, Dana and I had a much better time.

On Sunday I had an open house in Brookville, which was pretty busy. My parents came over for dinner and stayed a while to visit. They hadn't seen Kyle (or Holly) in a few weeks. We had a good time. My dad is getting ready to teach his first financial planning class at his church and is pretty excited about it. He's spent a lot of time to put some great material together for it. It should be a success.

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