Monday, January 30, 2006

Another Monday, the week-ends seem to go by so fast. Spent time with Dana shopping for a new photo printer on Saturday. She got a new HP printer, although I don't remember the model number. Then we went to Barnes & Noble to get coffee and a book for me. We met her father for dinner at Applebees and went home to watch the movie 'The Great Escape' on PBS (one of my favorite movies). I have to confess, I skipped the Big Hill GMAC awards banquet (and I was getting an award!) but from what I have heard, Dana and I had a much better time.

On Sunday I had an open house in Brookville, which was pretty busy. My parents came over for dinner and stayed a while to visit. They hadn't seen Kyle (or Holly) in a few weeks. We had a good time. My dad is getting ready to teach his first financial planning class at his church and is pretty excited about it. He's spent a lot of time to put some great material together for it. It should be a success.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Been a while since I talked about music or my guitar(s). Since my posting a few months back, I have since added a new amplifier. Got a Line 6 amp, and it is really cool. Lots of built in effects (check out Kyle jamming on it with his Strat!). Oh, and I had to add another picture of my Les Paul. I should thank my wife Dana for getting me interested in playing again and getting me a Guitar Port a while back(You are the best Sweetie! I Love You!).

If you are like me, music is probably one of the most important things in your life. I misplaced my iPod mini yesterday, and thought I would go crazy until I got it back (I got it back just a little while ago, thanks Rick!). I honestly don't think I could go to the YMCA and work out if I didn't have it with me. It's also great to listen to at night when I'm working in my home office and don't want to wake Kyle or Dana up.

If you are in a local band and performing anywhere in the Eaton Ohio area in the next few weeks, let me know. Dana and I are always looking for new fun things to do.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Tuesday night and Kyle is helping Dana cook fish for dinner. We got some Talapia from Trader Joes and it was great. Dana made a fantastic chili sauce to put on it. Holly is right there in case something hits the floor.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Happy Monday everyone! Had a great week-end and took some new photos of Holly. She is growing by leaps and bounds. She is doing great, but still having some issues with house-breaking. The first picture shows her the night we got her, and the second picture was taken Saturday evening. What a difference!

Dana took Kyle and I to the Pizza King in Richmond Saturday night for dinner. It was great! I highly recommend it if you haven't been there. Good food and great service.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Been a while since I posted any new pictures of Holly, but here she is with her Grandma. She is even bigger than this now and just went this past Saturday for her first round of shots. She did really well.
Holly has been very active around the house and chasing the cats seems to be her favorite thing to do. We had great weather this week-end so she got out a few times with Dana and I to explore the yard. I saw a group of motorcycles out while I was doing an open house yesterday, did I envy them. Can hardly wait for spring to get here to take the bikes out.