Monday, September 22, 2008

We Have Access To The Outside World

It's been a long time since my last post, but we just got our internet connection back on after the windstorm that the Miami Valley area suffered on September 14th. We had a lot of damage to trees and were without power for 3 days. But, thankfully no one was hurt and the tree limbs didn't come crashing through the house. Some 35,000 people in the area are still without power.

We watch very little television in the big scheme of things and get most of our news through the internet. Not having access has been really tough for us (OK, I know I just mentioned that some folks don't have power yet) especially when we pay all of our bills online, do a lot of our shopping, and use email to communicate with other family members.

On the plus side, I did get a BLUE Microphones Snowball to get serious about Podcasting this week-end. I'm still playing around with it, but the sound is great. I am working on a Podcasting endeavor that should be quite fun.

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