Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Tons of stuff going on in real estate for me right now which is a good thing. My team is really starting to come together and we are planning a First Time Buyers seminar for two different dates in March. If you know anyone who is interested in purchasing their first home and not sure where to begin, have them contact me and I will give them all the details.

With all the snow comes snow removal. Seems like whenever I have a free moment I'm taking the dogs out or shoveling more snow. Kyle is glad to be out of school, but I think they
are going to cancel their Spring Break to make up the days. Poor Dana has to be at work no matter how bad the weather is since she works in a hospital. Our office has actually been closed the past two days for weather related issues.

Here's some shots of me and the boxers relaxing and trying to get warm. No wonder they are so tired, being so cute all the time!

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